start this out with punk itself and shout-outs from the sell-out crowd.
then Lame-o, Scream-o, Emo starts now everyone’s got broken hearts.
now pass it on to gansta’ clicks so fuck this fucking “bling, bling” shit
and preps who dress like all the rest ,pop culture mesh is all that’s left
so, is this “tongue-in-cheek” or is this what I really think?
I might just kinda hate you after all.
so throw away the key, I’ll wind up locked in therapy just spouting out the things that piss me off.
fuck you Creed and MTV, just play some fucking music, please.
Saddam, before we hang in hell, hijack a plane to TRL.
thank you, Mr. Terrorist now everyone’s a patriot.
With bushes on the white house lawn the hit list just goes on and on.
so, is this “tongue-in-cheek” or is this what I really think?
I might just kinda hate you after all.
so throw away the key, I’ll wind up locked in therapy just spouting out the things that piss me off.
a morbid guy at best so kiss my ass and slit my wrists, I’m dropping off the ride, I’ve had enough.
fuck bikers, girls and jocks, and every single crooked cop
who helped me write these things that piss me off,
all the things that piss me off,
see ya’ when the bomb goes off.